Thorsten Lange - IT Solutions
AddressAccess - the easy and efficient interface to the contacts stored in your Newton AddressAccess
i++ lets you customize the i button in NOS2.x (open apps, freezing, backlight control,...) I++
WittyKeys lets you define keyboard shortcuts (OS2.1 only) WittyKeys
Backyard offers a virtual pin-board and customizable button bars Backyard
FreeBack - the simple, heap-saving freeware backdrop application FreeBack
Wunschzettel is a checklist manager that remembers items once entered Wunschzettel
Xchange is a small currency conversion utility Xchange
Feiertage adds German public holidays to dates Feiertage

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Xchange is a small currency-conversion table, similar to the built-in one (from OS1.x) but with additional features:

The selected radio button on the right side determines the row that should be calculated from the other two values.

Switching to another saved exchange rate can be done the usual way: use the up and down arrow to show the previous or next rate and the overview button (between the arrows) opens a list of all stored rates.

Since some people like to use Xchange also for other conversions than currencies I included the "Mode" button. There you can select for each entry separately witch labeling should be displayed (for money or a general labeling).

Price and Registration

Xchange is freeware. Consequently there is no registration necessary.


The files are compressed and binhexed using StuffIt from Aladdin Systems. So you need their (free) StuffIt Expander which is available for Mac and Windows. If you use a Windows-PC please check that you have set the cross platform preference to NEVER.
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In case of any questions feel free to contact me.