Thorsten Lange - IT Solutions
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The built-In Editor of AddressAccess

features a comfortable editor. So you can now easily change/add multiple fields of one card. The editor uses different modes simmilar to the card display. The button bar on top allows switching between modes with a single tap.

There are three different ways to open this editor:
  1. Create a new card using the "New" button
  2. Tap on any field in the card display and the editor opens in the corresponding mode.
  3. If you have installed "i++" V1.10 or better you can create a new card from the i-menu in most applications (NOS2.0 only). Or with NOS1.x use "TapNew" V1.20 or better to create a new card from the notepad.
Editor Screen Shots

A few notes about the editor:

In case of any questions feel free to contact me.